
Torus Foundation | Community Investment Fund

Deadline: TBC.

To help increase the amount of support taking place across Torus communities, community groups and local organisations are able to apply to Torus Foundation’s Community Investment Fund (CIF).

All applications must support one or more of the Foundation’s focus areas of support that benefit Torus tenants and residents, and those living within Torus neighbourhoods:

  • Employment and skills
  • Financial inclusion
  • Youth services
  • Health and Wellbeing.

To maximise projects and support initiatives, the Foundation is welcoming applications to request for funding per year. Speak to the team about specific funding limits of which will include:

  • £200 maximum allowance for coaches
  • £500 maximum allowance for one day events

In addition, Charity Commission reporting should be up to date before an application is made and due diligence checks will be made by the Foundation’s Business Support Coordinator before the Tenant Panel Meeting is held.

Applications will only be accepted from small charities or companies with a total income of under £500,000 and companies with less than 9 months operating costs held in reserves qualify for application.

Applications are not open to Statutory Agencies such as the Police and Local Authorities, however, the Foundation will continue to consider requests from local schools and Sure Start Centres.

To learn more, please click here.

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