
20 Stories High Vacancy: Freelance Pastoral Support Workers

Fee: £10 per hour
Hours: Weekly hours will vary and be mutually agreed, and involve evening and weekend work

20 Stories High, a theatre company based in Liverpool, is looking for casual, freelance Pastoral Support Workers. 20 Stories High runs a local participation programme, including a youth theatre and young actors company. This role supports the Participation Team, providing pastoral care for the young people, aged 13-25.

Read the person specification and role description here.

For more information, email Siofra on siofra@20storieshigh.org.uk.

To apply, send your CV and a letter outlining your approach to the role and how you match the person specification to siofra@20storieshigh.org.uk.

Deadline: Monday 29 January 2018, 3pm

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