LCVS take accessibility very seriously and have everything to try and make our website accessible. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions about our website, please contact us on The LCVS website has been designed to adhere to W3C accessibility guidelines, for both XHTML and CSS.
Text Size
There are three font sizes availably to allow you to alter the font size to suit your individual needs. The option is available on all pages.
Colours – High Contrast
There is a high contrast option to alter the contrast of the site, you can click on the option to toggle between high contrast and low contrast. The option is available on all pages.
Text Only
The site can be viewed as text only by click on the ‘Text Only’ option at any time. The option is available on all pages.
Note: You can also set the font size, colours, and other accessibility issues for all your web pages through the Tools menu and Internet Tools option.
Browsealoud is software that reads the text on a website simply by scrolling the mouse over the required text. It is free to download and install onto your computer. To download the software please go to: