
A Message from our CEO

As the year comes to a close, LCVS’s CEO Clare White would like to take a moment to reflect on the incredible work that has been achieved at LCVS as well as the voluntary sector as a whole this year.

This year has continued to be challenging for all of us as we navigated the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and adapted to delivering services in our ‘new normal’. But as we picked ourselves back up, we were faced with a new challenge – the Cost of Living Crisis which is stretching all of us at a time when emotional, financial and mental resources are thin.

For me, what keeps me going is the unwavering dedication of my colleagues both at LCVS and within the wider VCFSE sector in the city and the sharp focus on working towards making things better in whatever way we can.

Undoubtedly 2023 will be challenging for us all and LCVS will continue to do our utmost to support the sector to continue to do what it does best – support those most vulnerable in our communities.

In the meantime may I wish you all the good tidings of the holiday season and all the best for the new year.

Clare White


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