
Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton is on the Move

Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton’s Liverpool head office is moving on 16 February from 5 Sir Thomas Street to The Poppy Centre, 179 Townsend Lane, Clubmoor, Liverpool L13 9DY.

The Sefton Office at 8-10 Hoghton Street is closing on 14 February. New premises are yet to be finalised.

Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton decided to sell the head office building at Sir Thomas Street and move into the Poppy Centre. This is to ensure that the money saved goes directly into  providing vital charitable services for older people for many years to come. Because the head office team is quite lean, it will only occupy a part of the Poppy Centre, so the centre will continue to function as a vibrant social and activity centre for local older people, with no disruption to the current or future service users.

The Sefton office was coming to the end of its lease and the charity hopes to find new, more cost-effective premises.

Apart from moving offices, everything else will remain the same, so if you want to contact us or want to access any Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton services, you can get in touch as normal:

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