Posts available: 1.
Contract: Permanent.
Term: Part-time.
Salary: £18,327.
Hours per week: 25 hours.
Reporting to: Manager.
Location: All Saints with St Frideswyde Church, Forefield Lane, Crosby.
Employer Bio
They are a small childcare charity providing childcare and early years education in a nursery setting and in breakfast and after school clubs in a school setting in Crosby. They aim to provide quality childcare at a reasonable charge with strong links to their local community and fair employment terms.
Job Summary
Their Finance Officer maintains the day-to-day financial records of the charity reporting directly to the manager. Duties include invoicing parents, recording income and expenditure in the Sage accounting system and childcare session data in the Parenta nursery management system. Information from these systems is provided to the manager and treasurer. Administrative assistance is provided to the manager including with purchases and admissions. This is an opportunity to be a key part of a small team in a child-centred setting delivering a professional standard of service to the local community.
To read the full job description and to apply, please contact for an application pack or 07895 926299 for a chat.
Deadline: 10 AM on Tuesday 2 April 2024.
Interviews: Week commencing 8 April 2024.
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