
BBC Merseyside Open Doors

Could you help BBC Open Doors tell others what life is like in your community?

In return, Open Doors can show you how to get the stories that matter to you noticed. If you are part of a community group or charity, it can also let others see what you do. BBC Radio Merseyside wants to talk to groups that work in diverse areas. Everyday stories about different communities can improve understanding and raise awareness about the people and projects that support them.

Open Doors will let you see the media in action and discover how to work with it to your advantage. It offers useful contacts for your group and an opportunity to share stories about under-represented communities. The one off Open Doors events will take place on Monday 15 May 2017, 10am–5pm.

Applications are welcomed from not-for-profit charity, community or voluntary organisations in the editorial area of BBC Radio Merseyside: Merseyside and Cheshire West & Chester. Applications from those directly working with disadvantaged, diverse or socially excluded communities will be given priority.

If you are interested in applying, email Mairead Smyth for an application form at mairead.smyth@bbc.co.uk, with ‘Application – Open Doors’ on the subject line. Alternatively, call 0151 708 6161 if you need to pick up a form. After the closing date, you will be notified of the outcome of your application.

Applications close at midnight on Friday 28 April 2017.

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