Interested in local history? Want to develop research and archive experience? The Migration Stories NW project will research and document online 100 stories of migration to and from the Northwest of England since the Romans. Volunteer community researchers will work with them to uncover and document some of their local migration history.
The volunteer programme will include:
- Monthly team meetings
- Visits, walks and talks exploring local migration history
- Weekly check-ins
- Training on archiving and research (including online research), digital storytelling, historical perspectives and critical thinking, creative and historical writing
- Independent or team research online or using local archives
People will commit around 3 hours per week, but this will be flexible and dependent on what people can offer.
The stories will be added to an interactive map that will act as a resource for schools and be used as a basis for the development of school workshops, and a touring artistic exhibition.
They would particularly love to work with people who have personal experience of migration.
Click here for more information or get in touch with Karen for a chat at / 0151 708 6515.