In order to make sure we deliver quality services, we would like your feedback on the support you received.
This is the first of two surveys you will receive regarding the above support. This survey relates to your experience receiving support and your initial views on how helpful it was.
The second survey will be sent to you in approximately 6 months’ time, to assess what, if any, longer term impact the support has had. Referred to as the “impact survey”, this second survey is intended to capture information that cannot be provided straight away.
All information provided through our feedback forms is treated confidentially. All information you provide will be used for improvement activity and to support our efforts to secure funding to provide free/subsidised support in future.
As a thank you helping us, all those completing both a “feedback form” and the “follow up survey” relating to LCVS capacity building services will automatically be entered into a draw to win a £100 voucher towards training within our main LCVS training programme. There will be two winners per calendar year and terms and conditions will be available on our website or on request.
2. What immediate impact, if any would you say the support you received has had on your confidence in the following areas? (this includes your levels of knowledge or changes to your systems in each area)?