Capacity building – impact survey

You will have already been asked to complete a “feedback survey” immediately after the work was completed, asking you about your experience in receiving support and your immediate view about how useful it was.

This second survey is referred to as our “follow up survey”. This follow up survey lets you tell us about the longer term impact of our support, which might not be possible immediately after receiving it. This includes any changes you may have made to how you do things, changes in your capacity in working in certain areas or any funding you secured as a result of our support.

All information provided through our feedback forms is treated confidentially. All information you provide will be used to improve our services and support our efforts to secure funding to provide free/subsidised support in future.

As a thank you helping us, all those completing both a “feedback form” and the “follow up survey” relating to LCVS capacity building services will automatically be entered into a draw to win a £100 voucher towards training within our main LCVS training programme. There will be two winners per calendar year and terms and conditions will be available on our website or on request.

If you have any comments/questions, feel free to contact us on

This could include the way you consult users, the way you plan activities, the way you hold meetings or the way you budget projects etc.
The contribution may have been direct e.g. helping you find a funder/write a bid, or indirect e.g. help you organise yourselves to give a good impression to funders or prove the impact of your work
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