
Celebration of Craft – Funding Opportunity

The Crafts Council, champions everyday making — is a national charity working to support craft in the UK. It supports craft activity across all ages and abilities and celebrates communities who craft together.

The Craft Council contacted LCVS with the following opportunity:

2021 is our 50th anniversary year. We want to use this moment of celebration to spread craft opportunities far and wide, so we’re inviting organisations and groups to partner with us to deliver craft workshops, events and talks during 2021. We want to know what kind of craft and making is important to community groups and provide some funding to make this happen—either £500 for a public event or £2500 for an in-depth project.

We are in the process of seeking funding to support this activity and are asking potential partners to complete this brief form in order to register their interest in the programme, by the deadline of 14/2/20. We’ll include a list of the partners who have registered their interest in our applications for funding. If we are successful in securing funding for the programme we’ll invite organisations to make a more detailed application in summer 2020.

For further information about this opportunity please email participation@craftcouncil.org.uk.


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