If you’re self-isolating right now due to a health condition and feel you could benefit from the company that audiobooks can provide, you may find that you are able to access thousands of titles absolutely free!
Listening Books is a UK charity that provides an audiobook lending service for anyone with an illness, disability, learning difficulty or mental health condition that affects their ability to read or hold books.
Membership fees are between £20 and £45 per year but there are also a number of funded, free memberships available to people who find the cost difficult to cover.
Over 9,000 titles are already available in the Listening Books library and more are being added all the time. The audiobooks can be streamed over WiFi to computers, laptops and tablets, or downloaded to devices, including smartphones, for offline listening. Members can borrow 2 titles at a time (up to 10 per week).
The dedicated Listening Books membership team can provide telephone support for setting up the online service if needed.
To find out more and to fill in an online application form, visit the Listening Books website.
Alternatively please call 020 7407 9417, or email cgosden@listening-books.org.uk.
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