
Cheshire and Merseyside Joint Forward Plan 2023-28

Joining up health and care is nothing new – they have been working towards this for many years. There is much that has been excellent. But there is so much more that the health and care system must do together to play its full part in enabling citizens, patients and service users to thrive and achieve their full potential.

The creation of their Health and Care Partnership (HCP) provides a platform on which all partners can challenge their mindsets, share learning and work differently to optimise their collective contribution to people’s lives.

This Joint Forward Plan is driven by the ambitions of the Cheshire and Merseyside Interim Health and Care Partnership Strategy, which is built around four core strategic objectives:

  • Tackling health inequalities in outcomes, experiences and access (their 8 Marmot principles)
  • Improving population health and healthcare
  • Enhancing productivity and value for money
  • Helping to support broader social and economic development.

To read the full plan, please click here.

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