
Children in Need small and main grants

The small grants and main grants programmes from Children in Need have now reopened. The deadline for both programmes is 21 December 2020.

Small grants provide up to £10,000 per year for up to 3 years, while main grants offer £10,000 upwards for up to 3 years. The focus for all grants is on children and young people aged 18 and under, experiencing disadvantage through:

  • Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
  • Any kind of disability
  • Behavioural or psychological difficulties
  • Living in poverty or situations of deprivation

Children in Need encourage applications for:

  • Project delivery (including staffing and salary costs)
  • Creative solutions to deliver much needed services
  • Organisational costs to support stability and adaptation (Including the day-to-day running costs of an organisation, as opposed to specific project costs)

All applications will have to show how this funding will make a difference to children and young people’s lives during this crisis.

Read more about these funds on the BBC Children in Need website.

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