
Citizens Advice Liverpool Invites Tender Applications

Citizens Advice Liverpool is looking for an individual or organisation to undertake an evaluation of its health programme, CA: Ways to Wellbeing Liverpool.

The evaluation will focus on the health professional side of the service including: How has the service impacted on health professionals’ approach to social welfare issues in terms of:

  • Time spent on social welfare issues?
  • Improved identification by primary care staff of those at risk of poverty and social exclusion?
  • Increased confidence in primary care staff in identifying and supporting patients with economic and social needs?
  • How do health professionals experience the integration of the service into health care settings in terms of:

– Accessibility o Joint/multidisciplinary working
– Outcomes for patients

The outcome/findings will direct the programme management team and steering group in future planning.

Download the full invitation and supporting information here: CAL Health Programme Evaluation Invitation March 2020

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