
Comics Youth Vacancies

Comics Youth is a Social Enterprise that delivers comics-based literacy and wellbeing projects to disadvantaged children and young people within Merseyside. The overall ethos of the organisation is to break down participation barriers and make projects accessible for children and young people aged 8-25 through delivering comic book creation and guided reading sessions in safe, inclusive and indiscriminate community venues.

‘Building Stories’ is a newly created Big Lottery Foundation funded project that will engage a myriad of children and young people aged 8-25 within the Merseyside and wider Knowsley area including disadvantaged young people, care leavers, looked after children, LGBTQ young people and young people experiencing mental ill-health to create, design and publish original zines and comic books about salient community issues and topics of interest that are important to them.  It will specifically deliver satellite provision for children and young people within community centres, libraries, hospitals, day centres and inclusive venues to break down participation barriers and support children and young people to create their own ‘Comics Corner’ hubs.

Project Co-ordinator (2 posts)

Starting Salary: 20k
Hours: 37.5 hours per week, job share considered

Two posts:

  1. Young person’s specialism working with young people aged 8-15
  2. Young people specialism working with young people aged 16-25

Main duties:

  • Deliver comic book creation, zine and literacy projects by co-developing and delivering sessions in conjunction with children and young people aged
  • Engage, recruit and support the hardest to reach children and young people through multimedia comic book creation, reading, design, digital and print media workshops
  • Support children and young people to run publishing hubs within their communities of interest in addition to increasing their literacy skills through delivering bibliotherapy and guided reading sessions
  • Enhance knowledge, skills and attitude in areas of literacy, media and arts, aiming to build the self-confidence, aspiration and opportunities of young people
  • Choose and present a wide range of comics, graphic novels and manga in order to generate free flowing conversation
  • Develop publicity and comic books/zines to promote the project, such as banners, leaflets, posters
  • Promote the project through social media and through art work via the comics youth website/social media platforms
  • Support the project to achieve positive outcomes for disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people in line with project plans, theory of change, quality management and evaluation frameworks

Youth Mentor

Salary £18k pro rata
Hours: 22.5 hours per week

Main duties:

  • Support the delivery of a Comic Book, Zine creation and literacy project by co-developing and delivering sessions in conjunction with children and young people
  • With support of the Project Manager to engage, recruit, and support the most hard to reach young people through multimedia, comic book creation, zine and involvement in digital and print media hubs
  • Support young people to attain AQA qualifications
  • Administer and track the progress of children and young people’s individual AQA progress and attainment
  • Facilitate the participation of young people in the planning, development, design and implementation of all projects available to them
  • Design comics and zines to support young people
  • Take part in commission based opportunities to increase the sustainability of the organisation

Project Manager

Salary: £24,000 per annum
Hours: 37.5 hours per week, job share considered

Job role entails:

  • Manage the development of the project in line with government and local and regional strategies for delivering holistic wellbeing and literacy services to improve the resilience, social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people
  • Manage the projects financial budget, including internal and external end of grant reports and liaison with LCVS, HMRC and Companies House to ensure that all financial commitments are kept up to date
  • Liaise with organisations and stakeholders to identify areas the project can most benefit children and young people and implement project delivery
  • Manage and coordinate the overall day to day running of the project in delivering comic book reading and creation sessions for children and young people within Merseyside and Knowsley
  • Create new funding opportunities for the development of the project including writing professional bids for project expansion
  • Develop a publishing arm to the project to increase financial sustainability of the organisation

Closing date: Monday 7 August 2017, 5pm

For a copy of the job description and details on how to apply, email comicsyouthliv@gmail.com or call Rhiannon Griffiths on 0752 536 9624 and leave a message.

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