
Consultation on Liverpool City Council’s Equality Objectives 2024 – 2028

Liverpool City Council wants Liverpool to be a fairer, more inclusive and equal city and are committed to designing these principles into everything they do.

Every four years, the council sets its equality objectives for the organisation.

These help them to focus on what is most important and deliver better outcomes for their residents, communities and employees.

This includes promoting equality, celebrating diversity, tackling discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and promoting good relations.

The draft equality objectives

They want your views on their draft equality objectives for the council for the next four years 2024 to 2028. The objectives are set out below:

To reduce inequality and improve life chances through:

  • how they focus resources to improve equality outcomes
  • supporting their most vulnerable residents to overcome challenges and connect them to support that is tailored to their needs
  • delivering on their plans for inclusive economic growth.

To lead the city in celebrating diversity and tackling inequality through:

  • demonstrating inclusive leadership
  • good decision-making that is based on excellent equality data and impact assessments
  • impactful local and national partnerships
  • placing equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of their organisational and city-wide policies and strategies

To foster good relationships within Liverpool’s diverse communities and better understand their needs by:

  • improving their local knowledge and how they communicate
  • listening to local voices and working together to find solutions
  • building neighbourhoods that are confident, welcoming and where people feel they belong.

To provide and commission excellent services that:

  • are accessible and inclusive
  • use good data and actively engage with residents to meet their needs
  • make the best use of different delivery models and partnership working.

To be an inclusive employer:

  • where their workforce better reflects Liverpool’s diverse communities at all levels across the organisation
  • that ensures their employees and elected members have the values, skills and knowledge to be inclusive.

To learn more and to complete the consultation, please click here.

Deadline: 15 February 2024.

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