
Dame Kelly Holmes Trust – Get On Track programme, Liverpool

Youth Fed are partnering with Dame Kelly Holmes Trust to deliver a free of charge transformational, year long programme, for young people in Liverpool, funded by Sport England. Get on Track is designed to improve well-being, confidence and self-esteem, as well as bringing young people closer to their community. Dame Kelly Holmes Trust have been supporting disadvantaged young people to change their lives for the past 10 years. During this time, they have developed a model which has been acknowledged as highly successful and which delivers real and sustainable change in young people’s lives.

This programme looks at each person, their aspirations and ambitions and unlocks the attitudes and behaviours needed for young people to achieve their own goals through the support of their skilled athlete mentors. The aim will be to engage young people who are currently inactive and over the course of 12 months, inspire and motivate them to become active. The programme is designed to help overcome barriers to engagement and reach those who would not engage in traditional routes or consider physical activity as part of their current lifestyle.

The programme will be delivered by two World Class Athlete Mentors and will consist of 11 sessions over a 12-month period which consists of 60 learning hours.

The programme framework consists of 3 days in week 1, 1 day a week from weeks 2 to 5, and intermittent sessions over the following 10 months.

Click on the link below to view a short video of the upcoming programme, and please refer to the timetable below for all dates/times the young people will be required to attend.

Young people recruited must be:

Read more and view the video here: https://www.damekellyholmestrust.org/news/get-on-track-in-partnership-with-sport-england

Liverpool Programme Requirements Venue Times
11/02/2019 Monday 12/02/2019 Tuesday 13/02/2019 Wednesday 3 days The Black-E studio, lunch provided 10am to 4pm
18/02/2019 Monday     1 day The Black-E studio, lunch provided 10am to 4pm
25/02/2019 Monday     1 day The Black-E studio, lunch provided 10am to 4pm
04/03/2019 Monday     1 day The Black-E studio, lunch provided 10am to 4pm
11/03/2019 Monday     1 day The Black-E studio, lunch provided 10am to 4pm
25/03/2019 Monday     1 day The Black-E studio, lunch provided 10am to 4pm
29/04/2019 Monday     ½ day The Black-E 10am to 1pm
10/06/2019 Monday     ½ day The Black-E 10am to 1pm
05/08/2019 Monday     ½ day The Black-E 10am to 1pm
28/10/2019 Monday     ½ day The Black-E 10am to 1pm
13/01/2020 Monday     ½ day The Black-E 10am to 1pm
WC 02/03/2020 TBC     ½ day TBC TBC
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