
Defibrillator Funding | Now Open

Deadline: Unknown. However, the fund is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so an early application is encouraged.

London Hearts is a charity dedicated to the procurement and distribution of life-saving defibrillators across the UK for both public and private sectors.

They would like to offer you the opportunity to ensure that your communities have access to a fully functional defibrillator at all times. London Hearts is proud to be the appointed supplier and managing administrator of a defibrillator fund on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care.  This may well fit well in helping to get life saving defibrillators more readily available across your area.

The Department of Health and Social Care is offering a £500,000 Community Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Fund, aimed at increasing the availability of defibrillators in public places where they are most needed. The fund will provide 1,100 new defibrillators and cabinets. To participate, match funding of £750 is required for a defibrillator with an external locked cabinet, or £660 for a defibrillator with an internal cabinet.

To discuss this opportunity further or answer any questions you may have regarding your specific requirements, please email Kym at kym@londonhearts.org.

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