
Development of a Mental Health Wellbeing Hub in North Liverpool

Liverpool City Council is in the early stages of developing a plan to create a mental health and wellbeing (MHWBH) service which will offer a preventative and recovery focused model of intervention to adults. The service will be delivered within the Old Swan area of Liverpool from premises identified by the Council which will be in need of renovation.

The service will support the prevention and promote recovery of mental ill heath by providing social and community based interventions which are easily accessible to adults from both the local and surrounding areas.

The Council is currently in discussions with potential benefactors regarding both the capital funding required to renovate the premises and possible grant funding for an initial period to support the development of the service at the premises.  The long term vision is, however, that the service becomes a self-sustaining, not-for-profit, enterprise funded through income generation.

The Council’s is committed to ensuring that the development of both the premises and the model of service delivery will be robustly influenced by the local community, those with lived experience of mental ill health and service providers.

The currently intended objectives of the MHWBH are to:

  1. Offer a more dynamic, flexible type of drop in service which enhances the self-management of mental wellbeing through self-directed access
  2. Offer a range of interventions which address the social determinants of poor mental wellbeing and enhance mental wellbeing
  3. Reduce the number of individuals accessing GP service due to poor mental wellbeing
  4. Provide signposting and advice to prevent the deterioration of mental wellbeing
  5. Provide a flexible and neutral space to partner agencies to deliver interventions or advice that will assist community members
  6. Promote a sustainable model of service delivery which maximises its own financial viability and sustainability and attracts the support of community members and local business

The event is intended to give the provider market an opportunity to hear about (and provide feedback on) the Council’s intentions for the MHWBH.  Providers will have the opportunity to discuss any issues directly with the relevant commissioning officers from the Council.

This event is for organisations that may be interested in working with the Council, the local community, and those with lived experience of mental ill health, to develop the proposals and ultimately become the provider of the MHWBS.

Following the event, the Council will publish all presentational information and questions and answers arising.  Any organisation unable to attend will still, therefore, be able to access relevant information.

Organisations wishing to book a place on the event should complete the booking form (available on Pro Contract) and upload it through the ‘discussions’ option on the portal. Due to the likely level of demand, places will be limited to two per organisation.

Your company will need to register on Procontract (Due North) to be able to receive the opportunity. The documents will only be available on Procontract (available via the Due North site). Once you have registered you will need to go to the ‘My Opportunities’ section on the home page of Procontract and follow the instructions as a supplier to enable you to return your submission.

Register your organisation on Procontract here, go to Suppliers’ area and click on ‘Register free’.

Closing date for submissions: Monday 22 May 2017, 12noon

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