
Engagement Funding Opportunity for Community Groups | Hospital-based Gynaecology & Maternity Services in Liverpool

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside is looking to work with community organisations as local engagement partners.  The project aims to increase active engagement by communities who wouldn’t normally engage with the NHS. The project is specifically looking at the case for change work for hospital-based gynaecology and maternity services in Liverpool.

The case for change was presented to NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB) on 9 October and a six-week public engagement will begin on 15 October 2024, to gather people’s views on the issues described and their own experience of women’s services.

Organisations are invited to bid for up to £5,000.

The money can be used to enable community members to complete their own responses to the public questionnaire. Where this approach doesn’t suit the community, the organisation can hold informal conversations, focus groups or other ways of gathering feedback. All questionnaires must be complete by Tuesday 26 November 2024 and reports about engagement activity must be submitted by 3 December 2024.

Monies will be paid as a single instalment at the beginning of the engagement.

A more detailed brief and pro-forma for submitting proposals can be found by clicking here.

Deadline for submitting proposals is 12 PM on Friday 18 October 2024.

This opportunity and funding is being made available and managed by Cheshire and Merseyside NHS, not LCVS. All questions about the grant and all proposals should be sent to engagement@cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk.

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