A £20,000 fund to help community groups make improvements in their neighbourhoods is being funded using a slice of the income from the penalty notices handed out by Kingdom enforcement staff.
Bids for Environmental Initiatives Fund grants of up to £500 are now being made available for organisations including community groups, schools and small businesses, enabling them to play a more active role in improving their local environment.
Councillor Steve Munby, cabinet member for city services, said: “The money raised from litter fines is already being reinvested in helping keep the city clean, whether it’s putting in additional cleansing or tracking down flytippers. What we are doing here is taking a slice of the fines for environmental improvement projects.
“While the grant to each group may not be a large amount of money they will still have an impact on making neighbourhoods greener and cleaner and will help to get communities working together to improve their neighbourhoods. It could include schemes such as community gardens, engaging children in gardening projects or community clean-ups.”
Applications can be made by completing the application form available online.
Deadline: Friday 27 April 2018, 12 noon