100 Years – 100 Women

Event Date: 18 July 2018

Wednesday 18 July 2018, 11am-3pm – Blackburne House, Blackburne Place, Liverpool, L8 7PE.

This is a gathering of women in Liverpool, organised by three women, lucky enough to have opportunities to ‘find our voices’ and be heard in the context of both their work and lives, and now firmly committed to encouraging and supporting others to do the same.

Given that 2018 represents 100 years of women’s suffrage – the ambition is to bring together 100 women from Liverpool and beyond, to:

  • Share our stories
  • Celebrate and be justifiably proud of our skills and achievements
  • Explore how we can strengthen our connections and build our futures

If you have been to any of the Leadership Learning Snapshot sessions over the past 2 years, come along to share your ideas and learning. You can bring with you a friend or colleague who you feel already demonstrates or has the potential for leadership in their work, in their community or with their family and friendship groups. Great leadership can be anywhere and everywhere.

If you have not been to any session so far – and are curious – you are very welcome too, so this growing community of great women can further extend and develop as much as possible.

Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.

To find out more and sign up to the event, contact Gail at gainpartnership@gmail.com. If you have any queries or concerns, contact Sheila at sheilaudall@yahoo.com or Annette at hennessy@icloud.com.

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