Victim Care Merseyside Launch

Event Date: 20 June 2018

Wednesday 20 June 2018, 9.30am-12pm – The Holiday Inn, Lime Street, Liverpool, L1 1NQ.

This event celebrates the re-commissioning of a number of specialist support services that will be available to victims of crime over the next three years in Merseyside, and the re-launch of the VictimCare Merseyside website.

As part of the agenda, a number of the smaller commissioned victim services will take part in a question and answer session chaired by Roger Phillips to draw out the detail of the support that victims will receive. This will be followed by presentations given by the remaining three organisations – Catch 22, Victim Support and jointly commissioned Sexual Assault support services RASA and RASASC.

The event will give you the opportunity to hear at first-hand from service providers how they can support victims through some of the most difficult and challenging periods in their lives, helping them to cope and recover from their experience. Referral pathways and partnership working will also be discussed.

If you would like to attend, email the commissioning team on

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