Monday 12 June 2017, 10.30am-1pm – The Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX.
Strengthen your professional network and your skills! Casebook is an Erasmus+ project which aims to ease the process of inclusion of migrant adults by developing skills of career counsellors and social workers working with them using the case study methodology.
The aim of this conference is to improve services supporting migrants into employment, by:
- Sharing Casebook methodologies and results
- Creating and expanding innovative networks
- Strengthening provisions by taking an asset based approach
- Developing recommendations for future work
The conference is aimed at organisations and professionals supporting migrants, job centers, career counsellors, universities, students, Euroguidance services, local policy-makers, and migrants.
Introductions by:
- Nicola Daley, MA in EU Studies, CEO, Merseyside Expanding Horizons
- Dr. Zana Vathi, Reader in Social Sciences, Edge Hill University
Through participatory thematic working groups, delegates will share experiences based on case studies and develop recommendations for relevant stakeholders to be gathered and shared online. Certificates of attendance will be delivered.
Coffee on arrival and networking lunch at 1pm will be provided by Merseyside Expanding Horizons.
Free exhibitor and partnership opportunities are available. To register or find out more, email or call 0151 330 0552.
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