Wednesday 13 June 2018, 10am-4pm – Foresight Centre Liverpool.
This one-day workshop, organised by the School of Law, University of Liverpool aims to examine the rights of under-18s with disabilities to online information/ communication about sexual relationships.
It is in the online arena that children get much of their information and communications about sex and sexual relationships. Yet there appears to be little or no research on the experiences of under-18s with disabilities in this area, who will often have access difficulties and distinct protection issues when it comes to online activities.
This workshop will involve presentations and discussions between professionals and academics on their knowledge of theory and research on children and disability rights, sexuality education, online communication, as well as the experiences of both under-18s and adults with disabilities and their families. The aim is to establish a community of researchers/experts in this often ignored area, and to lay the ground work for evidence-based research with under-18s themselves. In particular it will examine how to balance empowerment and protection of under-18s with disabilities.
If you are interested in attending, contact Dr. Aoife Daly at the School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool at
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