Health & Wellbeing Day – Living Well With a Long-Term Condition

Event Date: 13 May 2019

Getting on with life after a brain injury or other neurological diagnosis can sometimes be a challenge, both for the person with the condition and for those around them. That is why The Brain Charity and Brain Haemorrhage Support Group have come together to put on another of their popular Health and Wellbeing Days.

The Brain Charity is a Liverpool based charity that has been supporting those affected by neurological conditions for over 25 years. Offering emotional support, practical help and social activities to anyone with a neurological condition and to their family, friends and carers. The Brain Haemorrhage Support Group are an independent voluntary group based in Liverpool with a membership drawn from a much wider geographical area. They provide essential information and facilitate educational activities and resources about the condition. They also help to reduce the negative impact that brain haemorrhage has on people’s lives.

The Health and Wellbeing Day is all about living well with a long-term condition. Visitors will be able to hear from a range of specialists, such as a talk about fatigue by Suzanne Simpson MND Psychological Well-being and Social Support Advisor. There will also be opportunities to get involved in all sorts of activities such as boccia, yoga and relaxation treats like massage.

Other charities and partner organisations will be available to offer information and answer your questions, including the Stroke Association, WHISC, Wheels for All and many others. Guests will also have the chance to taste The Brain Charity’s wonderful range of ‘ChariTeas’ – a unique selection of blends with ingredients including: Rooibos, Green Tea, Cocoa Nibs, Calendula, Lemon Balm and Peppermint.

The Health and Wellbeing Day will take place on Monday the 13th May 2019 between 10:30am and 4:00pm, as an extension of The Brain Charity’s usual monthly coffee morning.

This event is free and open to everyone, so go along and have a go at something new!

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