Tuesday 3 July 2018, 2-4pm – GMCVO, Manchester
The Chair of the Charity Tax Commission, Sir Nicholas Montagu, has written a provocative article asking whether we should question the indiscriminate approach to charitable tax reliefs. He suggests we might want to start asking some awkward questions about whether public benefit could be increased if we distinguished between charities by size, purpose, demonstrable impact, geographical location or other criteria.
The piece highlights the kind of bold ideas for reform that the commission is keen to explore through its call for evidence and public evidence sessions.
If you’d like to join the debate, register for a free place at this event, organised by NCVO, in partnership with GMCVO.
Commissioners attending:
- Chair, Sir Nicholas Montagu, former chairman of the Inland Revenue
- Clare Pelham, CEO of the Epilepsy Society
- Sarah Atkinson, Director of Policy and Communications at the Charity Commission
- Dan Corry, CEO of New Philanthropy Capital