Knowsley Carers’ Strategy 2017–2019 – Provider Launch

Event Date: 12 December 2016

Monday 12 December 2016, 9.45am-1pm (to start 10am) – The Venue, Civic Way, Poplar Bank, Huyton, L36 9GD.

Could your organisation help deliver Knowsley’s Carers’ Strategy? The new Knowsley Carers’ Strategy 2017-19 has been written in the light of the Care Act 2014, to focus support for carers on maintaining or regaining the health and well being of carers and the people they care for, and prevent deterioration where possible , including the breakdown of the caring relationship.

The Knowsley Carers’ Strategy 2017-19 has been shaped extensively by carers themselves through the Carers’ Strategy Group which meets monthly and also two surveys of carers.

Come and hear about the Knowsley Carers ‘ Strategy 2017-19, and the action plan to deliver it, and tell how you can help deliver it.

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. Register online here.

Email Adele Gregory on if you have any queries.

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