Living with Dementia in Liverpool

Event Date: 03 July 2018

Tuesday 3 July 2018, 10am – 1pm – Bridge Chapel, Heath Road, Liverpool, L19 4XR

Are you living with dementia, or a carer, friend, paid staff, professional or interested member of the public?

Dementia Action Liverpool have been asked by Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Clincal Commissioning Group to update their joint Dementia Strategy. This event is organised to find out what is working, what needs to change, where are the gaps in services and to come up with the priorities for the revised strategy.

Come along to help us update the strategy – your views are important. Refreshments are available at 9.45am.

If you would like to attend, contact Pauline Burke at Life Story Network by 26 June 2018, on 0151 237 2669 or e-mail

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