Hosted by Healthwatch Liverpool | Thursday 17 June 2021, 10am-12pm | online
In the last year many of us have learned about some of the work that Public Health teams do.
The Covid-19 pandemic shone a spotlight on the service, which was often less known about before the pandemic.
However, Public Health teams do so much more than trying to keep us safe from Covid infection; they also plan and buy services to help improve everyone’s health, and to reduce health inequalities. In Liverpool, Public Health works closely with the NHS so that a range of services is delivered, including immunisation and screening, school nursing and health visitors, sexual health services, and drug and alcohol services.
Join us online (or by phone) to meet some of the Public Health team in Liverpool, and find out more about what they do, ask any questions you may have about their work and talk about the kind of things you think they could work on.
To register, visit the Healthwatch website.
If you can’t attend but still would like to ask some questions or find out what has been discussed, please contact
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