No Going Back: In Conversation with the North West’s Metro Mayors

Event Date: 09 December 2020

4:15-5:15pm | 9 December 2020 | via Zoom | hosted by VSNW

Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW) invites Metro Mayors Andy Burnham and Steve Rotheram to expand on their vision for our sector’s involvement in Building Back Better.

VSNW is pleased to present No Going Back: In Conversation with the North West’s Metro Mayors – the final event in the Festival of North West Thinking (FoNWT).

This event is intended for our colleagues at VCSE sector organisations from across the North West. It will see Metro Mayors Andy Burnham and Steve Rotheram expand on their vision for ‘Building Back Better’ and detail the role they see our sector playing in this. The event will begin with presentations from both Steve and Andy, before opening the floor to questions and discussion from attendees.

VSNW is inviting members of the sector to let them know what questions you’d like to hear the Metro Mayors answer. Please submit questions when registering for the event. A number of questions will then be selected ahead of the event, to ensure that the most commonly raised topics relevant to the sector are covered and that every region of the North West has their say.

This event will be hosted on Zoom. A link will be sent out the day before. If you’re unsure how to access meetings via Zoom, please refer to this quick start guide.

Please note that due to limited numbers, we may limit attendance to one person per organisation. Please coordinate within your organisation if possible, otherwise we may contact you to ask you to nominate the preferred attendee.

Register for No Going Back: In Conversation with the North West’s Metro Mayors via Eventbrite.

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