Wednesday 2 November 2016, 5.30-7.30pm – Victoria Gallery & Museum, 150 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, L3 5RF.
Engage’s Seminar Series 2016 is focusing on how city centre residents can challenge and change prevailing attitudes around consumerism, individualism and fatalism and in the process become citizens, neighbours and collaborators in governing the city.
The final instalment of this transformational series will look at the question of how cities are governed.
Guest speaker, Dr Christian Iaione, Professor of Public Law at the Marconi University in Rome, will talk about how people are bringing about real change in Bologna and other Italian cities.
Dr Iaione will be joined by a local panel comprising: Cllr Alan Dean, Chair of Constitutional Issues Committee, Mark Swift, CEO Wellbeing Enterprises CIC, Dr Peter North, Reader in Alternative Economies, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool.