Reclaiming the City: From Stranger to Neighbour

Event Date: 19 October 2016

Wednesday 19 October 2016, 5.30-7.30pm – Aloft Liverpool Hotel, 1 North John Street, Liverpool, L2 5QW.

Engage’s Seminar Series 2016 is focusing on how city centre residents can challenge and change prevailing attitudes around consumerism, individualism and fatalism and in the process become citizens, neighbours and collaborators in governing the city.

The second instalment of this series will focus on enabling residents who often feel themselves to be strangers to understand how they can become neighbours.

The guest speaker is Atanase Perifan, the founder of European Neighbours Day, who will be joined by a local panel comprising: Cllr Tim Beaumont, Mayoral Lead for City Well-being, Dr Emlyn Williams, Love Canning Neighbourhood Forum, and Professor Rhiannon Corcoran, Academic Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice.

Read more and register online.

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