Hosted by LCR CEC | 04 August 2021 | 10:00 – 12:00 BST | online
Reuse in the Liverpool City Region (LCR) will inspire and inform the growth of the reuse sector in the LCR.
This event takes place over two halves. The first half will showcase the best reuse practise both locally and from across the UK. The event will have presentations from:
WasteSavers: A large reuse organisation working across Wales, marrying the commercial sense of the waste industry with the charitable and supportive nature of community reuse. Unifying the principles of the triple bottom line, the brand-new Newport Reuse Hub is a retail, repair, upskilling and community space located on the high street.
Wirral FUSS: Using recycled fibre drums placed in schools, they collect donated uniforms that children have outgrown or for many reasons just don’t need anymore. Their volunteers in 7 hubs situated across the Wirral sort the clothes into schools, sizes and types. The clothes are then given for free to families who need them.
Tech Takeback: Collecting a wide range of electrical items from old laptops to random bundles of cables through an easy to access phone application and website. If the technology can’t be repaired or upgraded for reuse, it’ll be sent to recycling partners so the raw materials can be extracted and reused in manufacturing.
Another speaker to be confirmed…
The second half of Reuse in LCR will give local reuse organisations an opportunity to network with one another. We hope this will provide reuse organisations with an understanding of the opportunities available in the region and open up dialogue around how to share resources, information and best practise.
For more information and to register please go on Eventbrite.
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