Stretch yourself physically, mentally and creatively at the upcoming Tate Exchange event, ‘Room for Improvement’ between 10 – 16 December 2018.
You can learn about how our research is helping to improve diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer and long-term conditions, discuss how they use learning, art and movement as powerful tools for self-care, and perhaps join one of the Pilates classes or other activities in the gallery.
Tate Exchange is an ongoing research and public engagement programme, which forms an essential part of the University’s partnership with Tate Liverpool. The programme provides a space for artists, practitioners and partners, such as University researchers, to interact with and build a dialogue around art in new and unexpected ways.
Room for Improvement
The University of Liverpool’s North West Cancer Research Centre and Institute of Translational Medicine have teamed up with Pilates for Life, Sunflowers Cancer Support Centre, NHS Liverpool CCG and artists Richard Meaghan and Fiona Torrance to produce this unique Tate Exchange project, inspired by the work of Fernand Leger: New Times, New Pleasures.
Room for Improvement will take place in the Tate Exchange Liverpool space, from 10 – 16 December 2018. It is a welcoming and calm space for visitors to explore how to use learning, art and movement as powerful tools for self-care and take the opportunity to exercise in this novel and engaging setting. The collaborating partners will run a programme of open public activities, classes and events throughout the week. See the full programme of events and book your free place here.
For more information please contact: Emma Squibb, Engagement Project Manager, Institute of Translational Medicine at or 0151 794 7749.
Apply now: next round open to staff and students
This year the Tate Exchange theme is ‘Movement’, which can be interpreted in many different ways. Initial ideas and strands include: migration, political movement/action, performance, travel, movement and interaction of bodies.
If you have a project idea and want to take part in the next round of Tate Exchange events, to be delivered April – August 2019, then please submit proposals to Kate Spicer (HSS Senior Impact and Business Development Manager) by 17 December 2018. Please note, direct applications will not be considered by Tate.
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