Social Innovation Forum

Event Date: 24 March 2017

Friday 24 March 2017, 9am–1pm – Liverpool Medical Institution & Conference Centre, 114 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5SR.

Social Enterprise Network is joining forces with the Liverpool-based think tank Incubator of Change to be host the first of their Social Innovation Forum conferences. There will be a chance to hear twelve short talks on different aspects of the social economy – from how to improve your impact, to innovation in housing; from the economic theories behind social enterprise, to the data-driven future of the urban landscape.

The event brings together leading local figures from the worlds of business, academia, politics and charity for a half-day of lightning talks on the ideas they think can help to improve the world around us. Speakers will include Stuart Wilks Heeg from the University of Liverpool, talking about the rise of populist politics, Sally Anne Watkiss from Homebaked Community Bakery, talking about the growth of social enterprise, and Steve Rotheram MP and City Region Mayoral candidate, talking about his plans for the city region’s social economy.

Tickets: £25 each (£15 early bird if you book before the end of February)

SEN members can apply for one free ticket per organisation by emailing

Book your place online.

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