Liverpool 16 March 2017, 12-5pm – Toxteth Town Hall.
The aim of this afternoon workshop is to understand how groups in Merseyside and across the UK are supporting people seeking asylum.
How might we collectively support changes to ensure the wellbeing of people waiting for refugee status? What can be done to ensure access to support for survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence or torture? Can researchers and advocates do more to influence practical and political change?
This is an opportunity to get together and discuss what we can do to make changes to the asylum system. The workshop will include presentations which outline research findings from projects looking at asylum and gender, detention, sexuality, HIV status and collective wellbeing. Most importantly, the second part of the day is a chance for us all to discuss what works to end harmful practices in asylum, and what more work needs to be done.
12noon Lunch
1-2.30pm Welcome: Women for Refugee Women – Immigration Detention Report Launch; Many Hands, One Heart – LGBTQ Rights and Support Discussion: Setting an Agenda for Change
2.30-2.45pm Refreshments
2.45-5pm Victoria Canning and Migrant Artists Mutual Aid: Addressing Harmful Practices in the Asylum System
Workshop Breakout Sessions:
- Ending Harm in the Asylum System
- Making Research Useful
- Gendering Support
Right to Remain: Taking Action, Making Change
Attendance is free, but places are limited and priority will be given to people seeking asylum. Register attendance with
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