The Man Who Saved the World – Film Screening

Event Date: 09 December 2017

Saturday 9 December 2017, 2pm – Liverpool Friends’ Meeting House, School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BT.

This is a free film show to celebrate Nobel Peace Prize winners 2017 as part of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.


You have probably never heard of Stanislav Petrov, but you owe him your life. Shortly after midnight on 26 September 1983, a Soviet early warning radar detected what were thought to be incoming American nuclear missiles. Petrov’s decision not to retaliate prevented the beginning of World War III, the deaths of millions of people and, quite possibly, the end of life on Earth.

For further information, contact Merseyside Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament on 0151 229 5282 or email

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