The Merseyside & Cheshire Suicide Prevention Initiative for Gay and Gender Variant Children and Young People

Event Date: 20 November 2023

Hosted by CMAGIC Collaborative | 10 AM till 12 PM on 20 November 2023 | City of Liverpool College Atrium in Roscoe Street

On the ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ (TDoR), they are launching The Merseyside & Cheshire Suicide Prevention Initiative for Gay and Gender Variant Children and Young People under the CMAGIC Collaborative.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with CMAGIC, the organisation began nearly twenty years ago and began a series of ground-breaking initiatives for gender variant people, many of which have received national and international recognition for innovative practices:

  • Such as the Transgender Volunteer Employment Programme,
  • Transgender Support Service (TSS counselling service), delivered by Abacus
  • Transgender Youth Development Support Services,
  • Transgender Health Merseyside delivering peer support services advocacy and advice (THM)
  • Transgender Health Sefton (GP service) delivered by Dr Hunter The Strand Bootle
  • Cheshire Merseyside Adult Gender Identity Clinic (CMAGIC) new local diagnostic carepathway chosen by NHS England as one of three national pilots delivered by Merseycare.

Their new initiative is in partnership with the City of Liverpool College and they hope you will join them.

This work has taken a number of years to bring to fruition and they are looking forward to involving other organisations as they go forward.

Places are expected to be taken up very quickly, so please email as soon as possible to book a place or for more information.

The event is going to be like nothing they have ever undertaken before which is why this invitation carries little information. They will have a number of guest speakers and they will help us launch an initiative that requires commitment and dedication from organisations but ultimately will save lives that far too often are little understood.

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