Wednesday 6 December 2017, 9.30am–1pm – Manchester.
This forum will focus on how Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and the voluntary sector can work in partnership together to reduce reoffending. You will have the opportunity to hear about what PCCs are doing in your area, and discuss opportunities for the voluntary sector to be involved.
Most small and medium-sized voluntary sector organisations are focused on direct service delivery, and it can be difficult to keep up to speed with new developments or step back from the crucial day-to-day frontline work to see the bigger picture and context in which you are working.
This forum will give local and regional organisations the opportunity to:
- Discuss the role of the voluntary sector and Police and Crime Commissioners in reducing reoffending
- Share good practice and network with other organisations working in your region
- Discuss the challenges and opportunities your organisation is currently facing
- Influence Clinks’ national policy work through shared experience
- Hear the latest national developments in criminal justice and get an update on issues raised at previous forums