Posts available: 1.
Contract: Permanent.
Term: Part-time (0.60-0.80 FTE).
Salary: £34,000-£38,000 pro-rata per annum, depending on experience.
Hours per week: 21-28 hours.
Days per week: Days can be flexible.
Reporting to: Head of Business and Operations.
Location: Fact, 88 Wood Street, Liverpool L1 4DQ.
Renowned internationally and based in Liverpool, Fact inspires people with bold and experimental projects and exhibitions exploring art, technology, science and society. Fact Liverpool nurtures a diverse future generation of artists, film-makers, creative makers, imaginists and critical thinkers, and supports young people and emerging artists to gain confidence, skills and experience that can pave the way to more productive and enriching futures.
Fact Liverpool is looking for a Finance Manager who is a part or fully qualified accountant to lead the financial management of FACT. This role will provide strategic support to the CEO, Executive Team and Board of Trustees, as well as timely finance management reports and data analysis.
To read the full job description and to apply, please visit the Fact website.
For more information, please contact
Deadline: 6 February 2022 at 17:00.
Interview Date(s): Mid-February 2022.
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