Families Team – Early help

LCVS works with the Families Team in Liverpool City Council to develop and co-ordinate a programme of community capacity building with the voluntary, community and faith sectors (VCF) to further develop the ‘know local: work local’ approach in support of early help with families.

To date a wide range of programme work related to the early help offer has been delivered, including a series of community based sessions across the VCF and the Public Sector. Training has been provided to frontline VCF staff an approach which has continued to grow and develop into a Community of Practice model. This way of working brings together organisations with skills and expertise around particular issues to look at new ways of working in partnership, issues and barriers that impact on service delivery and finding solutions. All of this is done with a direct line of sight to the people who need and use local services to make sure that delivery is responsive to actual, not perceived, needs. For many people, the local VCF is their first point of contact when they need help and support and it is therefore vital that we can mobilise the sector to ensure that organisations have the skills and knowledge to respond effectively and provide the right support to people.

For more information on services available across the city, or to register your service in the Early Help Directory go to www.fsd.liverpool.gov.uk



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