Posts available: 1.
Contract: 6 month initial contract ending on, or before, 31 March 2024. Contract has the possibility of extension pending successful funding and/or trading.
Salary: £10.90 per hour.
Hours per week: 35 hours.
Reporting to: Programme Development Manager at Alchemic Kitchen.
Location: Various locations across Liverpool.
Employer Bio
The Queen of Greens is a mobile greengrocer that delivers fresh fruit and veg to communities hit by food insecurity across Liverpool and some parts of Knowsley. This project is run in partnership with Alchemic Kitchen and Feeding Liverpool.
Customers step on to the bus and pay for their shopping using either card or cash, Alexandra Rose vouchers or Healthy Start cards. Everyone is encouraged to shop on the new Queen of Greens bus regardless of income, to help champion better local food provision and support the venture. The bus enables people to have better choice and to eat a more nutritionally balanced diet.
Job Overview
Alchemic Kitchen is looking to recruit a greengrocer that will operate one of the Queen of Greens buses. This role will play a key part in ensuring communities have access to affordable for fresh fruit and vegetables, supporting with the wider Good Food Plan in Liverpool.
This role requires a positive attitude and a flexible approach. You will need to be an excellent communicator, motivated and a good time manager who can collaborate well with others.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 11.59 PM on Sunday 20 August 2023.
Interviews: Week commencing 28 August 2023.
Contact Details:
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