
Free First Aid Sessions

Red Cross offers free First Aid sessions to organisations that support people more likely to need first aid in specific areas that are facing higher risks in particular crises, including:

  • People living with issues around drug and alcohol usage
  • People who are homeless and at risk of injury or sudden illness
  • Adults over 65 whose health may put them more at risk of sudden illness of injury, for example, through trips and falls

The sessions have had all of the technical/clinical language removed to ensure that it is easy to learn and therefore easy to remember in an emergency situation. Each session is designed to meet learners’ needs and is tailored to the environment in which they may need to help someone.

What you can expect from a first aid session: 

  • Red Cross comes to you!
  • Effective, easy to learn first aid education in a relaxed and informal style
  • Break down barriers to helping others
  • Provide relevant first aid skills tailored to the needs of the group
  • Build the confidence and willingness to help in a first aid emergency
  • Delivered by experienced and inspiring Red Cross educators
  • Fully funded – there is no cost to you 

If you would like to book a session or require further information, contact Rachel Simm, Adult Education Coordinator, at RSimm@redcross.org.uk or call 0151 7025079 / 0772 520 2952.

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