Friends of Norris Green Park (FoNGP) are organising a Community Health & Wellbeing Day in Norris Green Park on Wed 11 Sept, during Know Your Numbers Week. The event will take place between 12 and 4pm.
It will be an outdoor event with statutory, third sector and community organisations present to provide advice, information and guidance on health and wellbeing topics. It will also feature various taster sessions for outdoor sports, hobbies, games and activities.
England Netball has already been secured as a presenter, which is quite a coup, following the Netball World Cup which was hosted in the city a few weeks ago.
If your organisation fits with the themes of this event and you would like a free stall, please get in touch with FoNGP at or 07427 484 521.
Find Friends of Norris Green Park online:
Twitter: @NGPFriends