
Free Visual Impairment Awareness Training

As part of VISPA and Sports England, Daisy Inclusive UK is able to offer Visual Impairment Awareness Training, for free, to employers, employees, volunteers and beneficiaries. This training will enable people to feel more confident in supporting people with a visual impairment to access your service provision, or to be employed or volunteer at your organisation.

The training will:

  • Give participants an awareness of the needs and requirements of visually impaired people
  • Illustrate how, with the right help and adaptations, visually impaired people can be included in the workplace
  • Provide opportunity to gain key personal skills, empathy, confidence, self-esteem, motivation and team cohesion
  • Enable employers to realise the potential of visually impaired people and learn how to include them in the workplace
  • Give employees and employers a greater awareness of what is available to help visually impaired people access the workplace (e.g. adapted equipment, access to work and accessibility)

These sessions can be tailored to fit around the needs and requirements of your business/organisation from point of contact training, visual awareness through sport and visual impairment awareness training.

For more information or to book a free workshop please contact a member of Team Daisy on 0151 261 0309 or info@dasiyuk.com.

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