
Funding win for Merseyside Domestic Violence Service

Merseyside Domestic Violence Service (MDVS) has been awarded £52k by Children in Need. The money will allow the charity to hire a family safety worker to directly engage with children and young people who are either impacted by or perpetrators of domestic violence.

MDVS provides holistic, integrated whole-family support. Through it’s Males Actively Seeking Change (MASC) programme, perpetrators of domestic violence are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions. There are separate activities for women and for children, to ensure that the entire family is supported in ways that feel safe.

During lockdown there was a huge spike in domestic violence nation-wide.  The necessary cancellation of in-person events, including regular play schemes run by MDVS and an annual Christmas party, has made it more difficult than ever for children and young people to be engaged and supported, when they need it most. This funding win will change that.

Jacqui Nasuh, CEO of Merseyside Domestic Violence Service said, “The grant will be used to provide family safety worker to reach and engage with children and young people and for staff training in digital online safety, in relation to the same group. Children and young people supported by this grant will come from families where domestic violence is happening or has happened; they may need support because their parents are accessing programmes, they may be at risk of harm due to family violence and they may be perpetrating child to parent abuse.

“We must be prepared for the implications of a second wave of the pandemic and another lockdown. Children and young people must be reached and their voices must be heard. They must not fall off the radar. Our aim is to ensure this group is within the reach of our services, and connected to other networks able to add additional areas of engagement and support.

“We work with over 100 male perpetrators a year and with their partners or ex-partners. Between them there are over 200 children and young people. Decisions in court proceedings take place regarding their futures without their voices being heard. They have been invisible for too long and our aim is to empower them to take control of their lives.”

LCVS Funding Advisor John McCormack provided bid writing support and feedback that helped MDVS to secure the funding.

Of the award, John said, “Merseyside Domestic Violence Service performs an absolutely unique and vital role. I don’t think it is overstating things to say that they have saved lives during lockdown. I am always pleased to be able to assist Jacqui and the team in any way I can. This win is incredibly well-deserved.”

Find out more about Merseyside Domestic Violence Service.

Would you like funding application support from LCVS? Enquire now to arrange a meeting with our Capacity Building Team.

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