Posts available: 1.
Contract: Fixed term, 2 years.
Term: Part-time.
Salary: £11.43 per hour.
Hours per week: 22 hours (possibility to increase during school holidays).
Reporting to: Project Manager.
Location: Garston Adventure Playground, Liverpool L19 1QP.
Employer Bio
Garston Adventure Playground started out as a Summer Holiday playscheme which was run by local parents and residents at Garston Park. Having recognised the need for a permanent place for children and young people to play in the area, they set about finding the ideal site and funding. With the help of funding from central government and a lot of hard work, work on Garston Adventure Playground began in 1978. In 1980, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh officially opened the playground.
Job Description
- To work directly with children to assist them to avail themselves to the widest possible range of play opportunities.
- To develop, plan and prepare play opportunities that will help children and young people develop skills, have fresh experiences and make new relationships, where appropriate using community-based facilities.
- To provide a fun, safe, caring and stimulating play environment for all children and young people aged 5-15 years.
- To enable their social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional development.
- To take responsibility for the playground’s art & craft program, assisting other workers to organise structured play sessions, trips out, residential holidays etc.
- Working with children and young people producing individual action plans.
To read the full job description and to apply, please email Alternatively, you can call in.
Deadline: 20 March 2023.
Interviews: Week beginning 27 March 2023.
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