Posts available: 1 .
Contract: Temporary.
Term: Part time.
Salary: £ 12,821 per annum.
Hours per week: 18 hours.
Location: St Helens, Merseyside and Halton, Cheshire.
Employer Bio
Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action (VCA) provides advice, information and development support services to voluntary, community, not-for-profit and faith organisations and volunteers in the boroughs of St Helens and Halton. They are passionate about encouraging local people to make changes for good in their communities and helping them find the right support or service that can improve their lives for the better or helping develop a new solution.
Job Summary
As the Capacity Building Co-ordinator, you’ll drive impactful learning experiences for the voluntary and community sector across Halton & St Helens. Your role includes coordinating learning opportunities to enhance VCFSE capabilities, collaborating with voluntary organisations to identify strengths and gaps, creating flexible learning programs, recruiting participants through newsletters, social media, and videos, and ensuring quality assurance by tracking progress and measuring impact. Join them in shaping a stronger voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: Midnight on Monday 20 May 2024.
Interviews: Wednesday 29 May 2024.
Contact Details: If you would like further information about this post, please contact Sally Yeoman; Ann-Marie Lawrenson or Claire Redford-Kerr
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